Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What Everyone Is Saying About Argument Persuasive Essay Topics and What You Need to Do

What Everyone Is Saying About Argument Persuasive Essay Topics and What You Need to Do Facts, ultimately, will always win out against how folks are feeling at a specific moment. With all these things to argue about and for, it may be a bit overwhelming to produce a topic all on your own. You may need to visit the library or interview those who are experts on your topic. Argumentative essay is a rather intriguing sort of an assignment, as you need to gather a good deal of materials to back up your perspective. You should utilize APA reference tools to aid in writing your essay the right way or employ an expert essay writer that could write the essay working with the APA reference tools. Researching all the various viewpoints and including them in your essay increases the caliber of your writing by earning your essay more complete and nuanced. It's important to understand that essay topics are just basic ideas that leave you pondering a notion that might be a huge deal to somebody else. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's vital to at all times be critically considering the world around us. So locating the finest persuasive essay topics is important. All persuasive essays are like argumentative essays. Other people believe that it improves creativity and productivity at work. Possessing excellent research abilities and selecting an excellent topic is important. In many professional contexts, respectful argumentation is the thing that leads to the growth of new suggestions and perspectives. The more you relish your topic the easiest it is going to be to write about. Qualities of an excellent persuasive essay topic The topic ought to be specific. You will be assigned a topic, or your professor will enable you to select your own. Selecting an emotional topic is also an excellent idea. Facts, Fiction and Argument Persuasive Essay Topics When you are finished with your essay, you must not simply check it for spelling and grammatical errors, but nevertheless, it also has to be checked for logical fallacies. The question could possibly be part of your introduction, or it may make a fantastic title. If you are in possession of a valid issue and you may offer sufficient arguments on it, then go with this. When you are requested to pick a great topic for your argument, start with something you're familiarized with. You may restate your argument, which is quite a common practice amongst essayists. It's possible to go for an intriguing topic from any area of science. The custom is allowed in some states, but it's frowned upon and illegal in a lot more states. Each paragraph ought to be restricted to the discussion of one general idea. Selecting the most suitable topic for a persuasive speech may be not such an easy matter to do as it might appear. Without regard to the quantity or kind of research involved, argumentative essays must set a very clear thesis and follow sound reasoning. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics as you need opposing points which you can counter to your own points. Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

10 Astonishing Facts About House Flies

The house fly, Musca domestica, may be the most common insect we  encounter. But how much do you actually know about the house fly? Here are 10 fascinating facts about house flies: 1. House Flies Live Almost Everywhere There Are People Though believed to be native to Asia, house flies now inhabit nearly every corner of the globe. With the exception of Antarctica and perhaps a few islands, house flies live everywhere people do. House flies are synanthropic organisms, meaning they benefit ecologically from their association with humans and our domesticated animals. As humans throughout history traveled to new lands by ship, plane, train, or horse-drawn wagon, house flies were their travel companions. Conversely, house flies are rarely found in the wilderness or in places where humans are absent. Should humankind cease to exist, house flies might share our fate. 2. House Flies Are Relatively Young Insects in the World As an order, true flies are ancient creatures that appeared on Earth during the Permian period, over 250 million years ago. But house flies seem to be relatively young, compared to their Dipteran cousins. The earliest known Musca fossils are only 70 million years old. This evidence suggests the closest ancestors of house flies appeared during the Cretaceous period, just before the infamous meteorite fell from the sky and, some say, triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs. 3. House Flies Multiply Quickly Were it not for environmental conditions and predation, wed be overrun by house flies. Musca domestica has a short life cycle – just 6 days if conditions are right – and a female house fly lays an average of 120 eggs at a time. Scientists once calculated what would happen if a single pair of flies were able to reproduce without limits or mortality to their offspring. The result? Those two flies, in just 5 months time, would produce 191,010,000,000,000,000,000 house flies, enough to cover the planet several meters deep. 4. House Flies Dont Travel Far and Arent Fast Hear that buzzing sound? Thats the rapid movement of a house flys wings, which can beat up to 1,000 times per minute. Thats no typo. It may surprise you to learn, then, that theyre generally slow fliers, maintaining a speed of about 4.5 miles per hour. House flies move when environmental conditions compel them to do so. In urban areas, where people live in close proximity and there is plenty of garbage and other filth to be found, house flies have small territories and may only fly 1,000 meters or so. But rural house flies will roam far and wide in search of manure, covering up to 7 miles over time. The longest flight distance recorded for a house fly is 20 miles. 5. House Flies Make Their Living in Filth House flies feed and breed in the things we revile: garbage, animal dung, sewage, human excrement, and other nasty substances. Musca domestica is probably the best known and most common of the insects we collectively refer to as filth flies. In suburban or rural areas, house flies are also plentiful in fields where fish meal or manure is used as fertilizer, and in compost heaps where grass clippings and rotting vegetables accumulate. 6. House Flies Are on an All-Liquid Diet House flies have sponge-like mouthparts, which are good for soaking up liquefied substances but not for eating solid foods. So, the house fly either seeks out food that is already in puddle form, or it finds a way to turn the food source into something it can manage. This is where things get kind of gross. When a house fly locates something tasty but solid, it regurgitates onto the food (which may be your food, if its buzzing around your barbecue). The fly vomit contains digestive enzymes that go to work on the desired snack, quickly predigesting and liquefying it so the fly can lap it up. 7. House Flies Taste With Their Feet How do flies decide something is appetizing? They step on it! Like butterflies, house flies have their taste buds on their toes, so to speak. Taste receptors, called chemosensilla, are located at the far ends of the flys tibia and tarsa (in simpler terms, the lower leg and foot). The moment they land on something of interest – your garbage, a pile of horse manure, or perhaps your lunch – they start sampling its flavor by walking around. 8. House Flies Transmit a Lot of Diseases Because house flies thrive in places that are teeming with pathogens, they have a bad habit of carrying disease-causing agents with them from place to place. A house fly will land on a pile of dog poop, inspect it thoroughly with its feet, and then fly over to your picnic table and walk around on your hamburger bun for a bit. Their food and breeding sites are already overflowing with bacteria, and then they vomit and defecate on them to add to the mess. House flies are known to transmit at least 65 diseases and infections, including cholera, dysentery, giardiasis, typhoid, leprosy, conjunctivitis, salmonella, and many more. 9. House Flies Can Walk Upside Down You probably knew that already, but do you know how they perform this gravity-defying feat? Slow motion video shows that a house fly will approach a ceiling by executing a half roll maneuver, and then will extend its legs to make contact with the substrate. Each of the house flys legs bears a tarsal claw with a sticky pad of sorts, so the fly is able to grip almost any surface, from smooth window glass to a ceiling. 10. House Flies Poop a Lot Theres a saying, Never poop where you eat. Sage advice, most would say. Because house flies live on a liquid diet (see #6), things move rather quickly through their digestive tracts. Nearly every time a house fly lands, it defecates. So in addition to vomiting on anything it thinks might make a tasty meal, the house fly almost always does poop where it eats. Keep that in mind next time one touches down on your potato salad. Sources: The Encyclopedia of Entomology, 2nd edition, edited by John L. Capinera.Encyclopedia of Insects, 2nd edition, edited by Vincent H. Resh and Ring T. Carde.Vector Control: Methods for Use by Individuals and Communities, by Jan A. Rozendaal, World Health Organization.Physicians Guide to Arthropods of Medical Importance, 6th edition, by Jerome Goddard.Elements of Entomology, by Dr. Rajendra Singh.Time Flies, a New Molecular Time-Scale for Brachyceran Fly Evolution Without a Clock, in Systematic Biology, 2003.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Learning Theories Of Teaching Practice Within...

The purpose of this essay is to show an understanding of the main learning theories. This assessment will allow the chance to begin applying these theories in a classroom setting by using an essay that analyses teaching practice within classroom. By looking further into the statement ‘Effective teachers need a range of strategies to ensure that students learn’. Crucially using personal beliefs about learning as well as teaching to reflect on these beliefs as well as considering their influence of developmental factors within the classroom. Learning as a whole can be quite different, ranging from memorisation of classroom information, all the way to being able to connect idea’s together, perform complex activities. As well as interacting with others. While it is important to know that learning is important to the core of the system, it can be very hard to come up with a simple clear cut understanding of what learning is. Learning can include a variety of procedures. It can look at meaning different things to individuals, and can be viewed differently by students, teachers as well as at times by cultures. Whilst this can make it hard to come up with an understanding of what learning is factors that may be used to assist this include, a change in any individual’s knowledge, the ability to perform set skills, as well as the ability to participate in an activity with other individuals. It is also important to understand the different types of learning that can occur. Deep andShow MoreRelatedLearning Is Viewed As One Of The Most Important Interactive Activities1643 Words   |  7 Pages Learning Theory Paper Kimberlyn Boddie EDUC 2130: Teaching Learning Professor: George Darden November 1, 2015 Learning is viewed as one of the most important interactive activities in which children engage. Although most learning occurs outside of the school setting, it is the heart of the educational process. Psychologists and philosophers searched to understand the true nature of learning, why and how learning occurs at different stages in life and how it can haveRead MoreCritical Thinking And Problem Solving Skills1648 Words   |  7 Pagesintegration of learning theories, pedagogies, transformative learning spaces, behavioural management and most importantly; the evolution and role of technology. Learners within the 21st Century are experiencing an education where they are taught to collaboratively communicate and construct new understandings, while acquiring higher order thinking skills to apply beyond the classroom environment. This essay will examine pedagogies and theories regarding the impact upon the quality of education within the 21stRead MoreTeaching Philosophy, Theories, And Pedagogies Work For Your Teaching Style Essay1618 Words   |  7 Pageswhat teaching philosophy, theories, and pedagogies work for your teaching style. â€Å"The best way to teach† is unique to each individual teacher. Even so, there are some aspects of teaching that are important to being an effective teacher. Some of the facets I will be discussing include understanding the Concordia University Educator as Professional Decision Maker, Reflective†¨Practitioner, and Adaptive Expert conceptual framework, learning theories to consider, and effective classroom practices. ConcordiaRead MoreEducational Technology Theories and Theorists Essay1150 Words   |  5 Pagestraditional learning exists. The concept of incorporating technology with education is one that has gained widespread attention. Effective use of educational technology is critical to solving numerous educational challenges. Educational technology can help us meet the needs of a diverse learner population and better prepare our students for lifelong learning. Theories of Learning Theories of learning have a great influence on teaching and learning within our schools. They affect learning outcomesRead MoreTeaching And Learning Theoretical Framework Essay1694 Words   |  7 PagesJoseph Joubert. As a teacher I will learn from teaching my students. I will develop a more in depth understand and possibly a view from a different perspective. My philosophy of teaching is written from the perspective of a graduate school student. I have not yet begun my career in academia. I expect my philosophy to develop over the years and change with experience. I pray it does because if it does not, something is terribly wrong. Teaching/Learning Theoretical Framework The Theoretical frameworkRead MoreLearning Theories Of Learning And Teaching Essay1128 Words   |  5 PagesLearning Model and Theories in Practice Sheila Morgan Richard R. Wiley School of Education At Walden University Abstract Education has long been the center of reform with new ideas about learning and teaching. Educators are regularly introduced to new teaching strategies, curricula and rigorous standards in an effort to provide effective instruction to students. However, the pursuit of proficiency in mathematics and reading through the use of research-based methods requires an understanding ofRead MoreBest Practices Of Brain Research For Teaching Primary Readers Essay799 Words   |  4 Pagesinterests, learning styles, and preferences. Brain research and studies have been performed to determine how students learn. These studies can help educators ensure they are providing their students with enhanced instruction that meets their individual needs. Best Practices of Brain Research For Teaching Primary Readers Author Tamara Lee Opalek examines current brain research completed within the past ten years. Opalek discusses diverse students and their performance in the classroom. AccordingRead MoreTeaching Theories Within The Classroom980 Words   |  4 PagesThis paper gives the author his or her own views on the different teaching theories within the classroom. There are several circumstances that will be discussed in this paper such as purpose of schooling, nature of learners, curriculum, instructional methods, classroom management, assessment practices and professional relationships with family and community. These are based off of research and philosophy of special education of the author’s beliefs. Purpose of Schooling The purpose of schoolingRead MoreJean Piaget s Theory Of Education1672 Words   |  7 PagesPsychologists Jean Piaget’s and Lev Vygotsky’s contributions to our knowledge about cognitive development and learning, forms the foundations of modern education. Both men’s work was revolutionary for their times, underpinning the transformative shift to a constructivist way of thinking, which emerged as the most significant influence on education of the 21st Century (James Bader, 2002). Piaget, was the first psychologist to investigate the world from the perspective of the child, determining thatRead MoreA Personal Philosophy Of Education Essay1164 Words   |  5 Pagesof the professor is critical for meaningful learning to occur. Self-knowledge through reflection allows the professor to embrace teaching through the eyes of a scholar; thus providing a diverse learning environment supporting engagement and motivation of the learner. This paper describes a specific aca demia’s mission and vision and why it resonates with me. This paper also explores my personal philosophy of education, ascertaining the learning theory I identify with the most. Mission and Vision

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Assassination Of Jfk By Lee Harvey Oswald - 3669 Words

The shot seen across the country. The assassination of JFK still stands today as one of the most shocking events in American history. Its had a larger impact because of the fact that it was on national television and because of its graphic nature. Since we will never know the true motive of Lee Harvey Oswald, the only thing that we could do is make our own assumptions. That is what we’ve done, which have only made things more difficult for us to grasp and have created more conspiracy theories. I will get into the immediate effects that his actions caused such as the Warren Commission and what the report said and did. Mystery still surrounds this whole event because he was killed before he could even go on trial for his murders. That’s also what ties in Jack Ruby to a conspiracy because killing Oswald, made it look like he was trying to hide something. This event has a lot of moving parts, especially with all of the different conspiracy theories. I wasn’t all that familiar with the details of the assassination, but after gathering all of the information and reading about all the conspiracy theories, they all seem to be real possibilities. All of the theories do seem a little far-fetched, but they all have some good evidence to support it. All I can say is that learning about this assassination has certainly made me think. I will explain who John F. Kennedy was, what he stood for, and what he accomplished during his presidency. Also about Lee Harvey Oswald and what could haveShow MoreRelatedLee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK1453 Words   |  6 PagesLee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK A- Plan Of Investigation This investigation will answer the question: To what extent did Lee Harvey Oswald’s history predispose him to kill John F. Kennedy? To determine the extent to which childhood and previous jobs influenced Oswald to assassinate the President, the scope of the investigation will focus on Lee Harvey Oswald and his relationships with political groups. It will also examine Oswald’s youth and the actions of previous life eventsRead MoreA Brief Look at John F. Kennedy835 Words   |  4 Pageswas cut short by a belligerent man. John F. Kennedy or JFK would grow to become one of the United States’s smartest and youngest Presidents in history. Unfortunately for JFK his life and term as President was cut short after being assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. Although JFK did not serve a full term as President he affected our nation in many positive ways and was on the best presidents we ever had. John Fitzgerald Kennedy also known as â€Å"JFK† because of his initials was the 35th President of theRead MoreNoah Cooper. Mrs. Sites. English 10A. 15 April 2017. Lee1749 Words   |  7 PagesApril 2017 Lee Harvey Oswald: The Sole Assassin? The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial. Unfortunately the facts on Oswald seem about too pat- too obvious (Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.) The Dallas police have put out statements on the Communist conspiracy theory and it was they who were in charge when he was shot and thus silenced (â€Å"The JFK Assassination†Read MoreTo Kill A Kennedy954 Words   |  4 Pagesbeing â€Å"A person who is easily manipulated or victimized : pushover,† (www.merriam-webster.com). This is what Lee Harvey Oswald claimed he was when the Dallas Police Department arrested him on November 22, 1963 for suddenly assassinating President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Today, the vast majority of Americans believe Oswald’s words, claiming that there was more behind the tragic assassination than the United States government once portrayed. Many hav e disregarded everything the government had told theRead MoreThe Assassination Of Jfk Assassination Theory1385 Words   |  6 Pagesessay is the JFK assassination theory. I would like to research this because I have seen documents and videos online and on television about the conspiracy but I have not done full research into it to see the facts. With the presidents of the United States they are able to make or break the country with their decisions, with that JFK was assassinated due to that and other reasons. I will be going into this research thinking that there is a conspiracy behind the assassination of JFK that it wasn tRead MoreAssassination Of Jfk s Assassination1140 Words   |  5 Pageslater, he was assassinated. The assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested 70 minutes after the assassination. There have been numerous debates over the last 55 years regarding this incident. Many people claim there is a conspiracy behind the case, allowing various conspiracy theories to emer ge over the years. One specific theory is about how the mafia was involved with JFK’s assassination. In 1963, the USA Presidential elections were approaching and so JFK and his wife Jacqueline travelled to DallasRead MoreJfk And The President Jfk1368 Words   |  6 PagesJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) was assassinated in Dallas Texas. The nation and the whole world was shocked in that day. In fact, president JFK was preparing for his next combine in Texas, he took a road trip by a motorcade with his wife Jacqueline Kennedy, Governor John Connally, and his wife Nellie. The road trip went through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas towards the trade mart, where the president was scheduled to give a speech there. The road that the president JFK was traveling on by his motorcadeRead MoreMystery of Who Killed John F Kennedy1483 Words   |  6 PagesDue to the vast speculations of the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas the mystery of what really happened still lies amongst us today. From theory to theory there is no telling what the true motive in killing the President really was. Among the various theories are those that involve the Chicago mafia, Lee Harvey Oswald attempting the murder by himself, and the left and right wing factions of the U.S. government. After several investigations, there is no realRead MoreThe Assassination Of John F. Kennedy1500 Words   |  6 PagesThere is a lot of speculation about what really took place in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Many people believe that Lee Harvey Oswald worked alone, but there are many people across the nation who think differently. Many theories can both support and disprove that Lee Harvey Oswald worked as a lone wolf in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The official report by the government in the JFK assassination was that Lee Harvey Oswald worked alone on the twenty-third of November in 1963. The dayRead MoreAssassination of John F Kennedy1119 Words   |  5 Pageshe was abruptly struck by two penetrating bullets in the upper back and head. Our 35th President of the United States of America had been fatally assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, a sniper from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building. However, did Lee Harvey Oswald, a crazy lunatic act alone in the assassination of President Kennedy. Both first – hand knowledge and visual evidence allows people to re – examine the events of this day and prove that there were other gunmen

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Sexuality Education An Important And Compulsory Part Of...

Sexuality education is an important and compulsory part of the New Zealand (NZ) Curriculum. Sexuality education is important so young people can feel empowered about their sexuality and make positive informed decisions. Sexuality education across the country follows a similar outline regulated by the Ministry of Education (MoE) but different students have various experiences and learn different knowledge of sexuality in schools. I went to a religious all-girls school and throughout this assignment I will be discussing my sexuality education in reference to significant topics. These include the official and unofficial curriculum, heteronormativity, homophobia and the missing discourse of desire. The official curriculum in schools refers to the formal curriculum in schools that is explicitly set out in school policy and forms a deliberate and intentional part of the curriculum. This occurs in areas such as biology, religious studies and sexuality education. The official curriculum is said to be â€Å"non-sexist, non-racist, non-discriminatory as well as students’ abilities to be affirmed and their learning needs as addressed (Minstry of Education, 2007). In schools the official curriculum mostly features teaching of contraception, reproductive health, pregnancy, basic anatomy and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) (Allen, L., 2011). Schools stress this information and my school were no different from this. At my high-school we learnt about these topics from year nine to year

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

William Wordsworth And The Industrial Revolution - 1926 Words

William Wordsworth and the Industrial Revolution During the Industrial Revolution there was a dramatic change in Britain, which instigated social and economic problems Throughout Britain. During the Industrial Revolution, romantic poets such as William Wordsworth, along with other romantic artists, inflicted a positive aspect on the Industrial Revolution due to creating images that revealed everything as being beautiful and expressed the simple life. William Wordsworth illustrates an abundance of romanticism to deal with social and economic problems in the Industrial Revolution and to express the true beauty of nature. Writing about the beauty of nature and the simple life was how romantic artists rebelled against the industrial†¦show more content†¦Wordsworth can only define modern England as a swampland, where people are self-centered and must be taught about things like â€Å"manners, virtue, freedom and power. Wordsworth says that, wandering like a cloud floating above the hill and valleys, he encountered a field of daffodils beside a lake, in the poem. â€Å"I wandered lonely as a cloud† A poet could not help but to be happy in such a joyful company of flowers. William stared and watched but did not realize what wealth the scene would bring him. Whenever he feels â€Å"vacant† or â€Å"pensive† the picture would flash upon â€Å"that inward eye / That is the bliss of solitude. : and his heart fills with pleasure, â€Å"and dances with the daffodils.† (Wordsworth, I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud). Wordsworth also created songs of innocence such as â€Å"Daffodils Song†. The Romantic poets, predominantly Wordsworth and Blake were spellbound by the natural world. The author used pastoral landscapes to evoke joy, to create peaceful scenes that were only darkened by the threat of urbanization and the Industrial Revolution. (William Wordsworth: Artistic Reaction to the Industrial Revolution, Fed 14, 2000) William Wordsworth: Artistic Reaction to the Industrial Revolution. (Fed 14, 2000). New York: The H.W. Wilson Company, c 1936. In 1799, William Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy move into Dove Cottage in Westmoreland,Show MoreRelated How do William Blake and William Wordsworth respond to nature in their811 Words   |  4 PagesHow do William Blake and William Wordsworth respond to nature in their poetry? The Romantic Era was an age, which opened during the Industrial (1800-1900) and French Revolution (1789). These ages affected the romantic poets greatly by disrupting and polluting nature. Before the Industrial Revolution, William Blake wrote about Songs of Innocence. He also wrote Songs of Experience but after the Industrial Revolution. William Wordsworth, on the other hand, continued on an optimistic routeRead MoreComparison and contrast between Blake and Wordsworths views on London with poems London and London, 1802 respectively.1454 Words   |  6 PagesPoetry was an outsider to the cold, efficient, emotionless environment of the Industrial Revolution. Romantics of all arts criticized the changing ways of life and idealized the pre-industrial revolution era. London was the haven to this revolution, and the hell to all poetry. William Wordsworth and William Blake both denounced Londons new environment with their poems London, 1802 and London respectively. Both authors were against this transformation of the city because it destroyed all beautyRead MoreRomanticism And Materialism1211 Words   |  5 Pagesalways struggled with the vice of materialism. It comes from selfishness, wanting or caring about temporary rewards, physical things, and in turn neglecting the spiritual. In â€Å"The World is Too Much with Us,† William Wordsworth makes an argument against th e worldview of the Industrial Revolution, looking back toward Romantic ideals for his inspiration. He sets up the case against materialism by drawing the reader or listener in through beautiful descriptions only to snap them awake with his relevantRead MoreWilliam Wordsworth and John Keats Essay1170 Words   |  5 Pagesof nature. In this essay I will be discussing two romantic writers, William Wordsworth and John Keats along with their views of nature that are embedded within their works. Since both writers are no longer living, I’ve decided to select two pieces by each writer and interpret how each writer feels about nature, and from my conclusions I will be comparing and contrasting their individual views. From Wordsworth I’ve chosen his â€Å"It is a beauteous evening† and his â€Å"The World isRead MoreWilliam Wordsworth and T.S. Eliot814 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Wordsworth and T.S. Eliot are both excellent and admirable poets from different time periods that have very distinct views on what it means to be a true poet. On one hand Wordsworth strived to be unique, romantic and sentimental in a time where people needed a poet as such. On the other hand, Eliot lived in a time where romanticism and sentimentalism did not satisfy readers that needed something less elevated and more realistic. Although they had opposing views neither is right or wrong andRead MoreHow Blake and Wordsworth Respond to Nature in their Poetry Essay771 Words   |  4 PagesHow Blake and Wordsworth Respond to Nature in their Poetry What natural influences did Blake and Wordsworth respond to in their poetry? Blake and Wordsworth were under different influences stemming from their childhood. Wordsworths pleasant and simplistic life style in the country, contrasted with the harsh reality of life experienced by Blake in the City of London. This essay analyses how both poets expressed their very different views of London through their use of Read MoreRejecting nature -since early ages.1000 Words   |  4 Pagesweeks program ‘the eternal songs- of William Blake- tonight’s show Wordsworth’s mind on nature will interpret how: William Wordsworth represented the cultural assumptions, attitudes and ideas, through two of his most beautiful pieces daffodils and the world is too much with us, within the romantic era. The Romantics believed that the centre of change was through the ‘common man’; as to begin, begin – the Romantic revolution unfolded. The Romantic revolution began in the early 17th century andRead MoreThe Age Of Enlightenment By William Wordsworth1465 Words   |  6 Pagescondemning the industrial revolution that was brewing across the atlantic at the time. Many famous authors and poets who emerged during this period based their works around the central theme of experiential learning and self expression. They questioned the legitimacy of rational thought as the backbone of society, and sought to make change. In the mid-nineteenth century, two poets, William Wordsworth, who emphasized the importance of finding and preserving beauty in nature, and William Blake, who focusedRead MoreRomanticism Movement ( 1750-1870 )1223 Words   |  5 Pagesof nature will be focused in movement of Romantic Literature. In this period of time industrial revolution with the social and political norms form as age of enlightenment and against of scientific rationalization of nature. Some Literature element of that period will be emotio nal, imagination and suspense. Romanticism movement brings some of different writes such as John Keats, Blake William, Wordsworth William and other. Romanticism is a phenomenon characterized by subjectivity of approach andRead MoreRomanticism : Romanticism And Romanticism1444 Words   |  6 Pagesidealization of nature will be focused in movement of Romantic Literature. In this period industrial revolution with the social and political norms form as age of enlightenment and against of scientific rationalization of nature. Some Literature element of that period will be emotional, imagination and suspense. Romanticism movement brings some of different writes such as John Keats, Blake William, Wordsworth William and other. They came with the different illustrated, poetry that expresses the language

Proposal For The City Of Houston - 1840 Words

Purpose: The purpose of my proposal is to propose a plan for the city of Houston to consider becoming a â€Å"No-Kill City† and adopt â€Å"No-Kill† animal control policy in regards to city run and funded animal shelters. Specifically, if the city council would consider the policy or a trial of it, it could be adapted to fit the city financially and effectively with available resources that would save lives and the city itself money. Summary: The purpose of this proposal is to make aware of a large problem the city is facing due to pet over-population and how to resolve without taking the lives of these domesticated animals due to flaws in our laws, community out-reach, and lack of information out there to help pet owners spread across our city. The problem facing our city is that shelters are filled to capacity everyday with the majority being lost or stray animals and the only resolutions would be to either put down close to 100 animals a day or once in a while collaborate with rescues to send then out to other states in need of adoptable animals. However, the solution is right in front of us. By working with local rescues, animals wouldn’t need to be sacrificed and with proper information and assistance with spay/neuter programs, unwanted pets would be prevented, lowering the need for euthanizing. I propose to looking into becoming a â€Å"No-Kill† city just as our neighbors, Austin has with much success. Instead of spending unnecessary money in killing and disposing those animals,Show MoreRelated Smog Does Nobody Good Essay1321 Words   |  6 Pages As of April 2000, Houston, Texas flunked the air quality test given by the American Lung Association of Texas. 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China Restaurant ; Foodservice Review Free Essays

string(162) " 2003 China 2009 E USA 2009 Source: China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 8 The Chinese Restaurant Industry Remains Highly Fragmented, With More Than 5\." Enterprise Improvement Corporate Turnaround and Restructuring Financial Advisory Services Information Management Services AlixPartners 2010 China Restaurant Foodservice Review May 2010  © AlixPartners, LLP, 2010 www. alixpartners. com Contents A. We will write a custom essay sample on China Restaurant ; Foodservice Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now Executive Summary B. Industry Environment C. Financial Performance – Profiles of Selected Restaurants D. 2010 China Consumer Survey Results E. Opportunities for Restaurant Chains F. Conclusions 2 2010 Restaurant Foodservice Review Executive Summary (1) Market Trends Industry Structure The Chinese restaurant industry has grown by about 11% in 2009 to about 2 trillion RMB. Growth was down from 16% in 2008. ?However, despite annual growth rates of 13% since 2003, the Chinese restaurant industry by 2009 has reached only about half the size of the US restaurant industry, as dining out expenditure per capita in China is less than 10% the expenditure of US people. ? Chinese consumers remain substantially more conservative in terms of dining out than US consumers: while in the US, people nearly spend half their food expenditure in restaurants, Chinese people only spend 22% in restaurants. The number of restaurants in China is vastly higher than in the US (5. 1 vs. 0. 9 million restaurants) and the industry is significantly more fragmented. Whereas the Top 100 restaurant chains in the US have a 45% overall market share, China’s Top 100 only has a 6% market share in 2009 (down from 9% in 2003). ?Western restaurants remain at a very low level in China, and have a market share of only about 1% in 2009. Apart from KFC, McDonald’s and Pizza Hut, no major US restaurant chain has achieved a major presence in China. Although the leading Chinese restaurant chains have minor market shares as the industry is highly competitive, profitability levels of leading chains were around 10-12% in terms of EBIT margins in 2009 and in line with average US fast-food chains in 2009. ? Given the solid profitability levels and strong future growth potential for Chinese restaurant chains, it is a highly attractive industry for MA deals and we are likely to see further private equity investments as well as takeovers by leading chains. 3 2010 Restaurant Foodservice Review Executive Summary (2)Per capita expenditure on dining out will continue to increase at double digit growth rate in 2010. Consumers anticipate spending about 10% more in restaurants than they did in 2009. This is in stark contrast to US where people expect to spend 4% less in 2010. ? To remain competitive, operators must serve high quality food and market themselves more on an individual basis to consumers. Similar to in U. S. , food quality is the most important factor when Chinese consumers determine overall value. Other top factors are price and service ?Chain restaurants are increasingly popular in China. 50% of consumers prefer chains over independent restaurants, while another 35% are indifferent. This indicates a major growth potential for chains, which currently only have a 7% overall market share in China. ? Western restaurants have enormous growth potential. On average, Chinese consumers plan to eat 40% of their meals in Western style restaurants in 2010. This is a substantial contrast to the 1% market share of Western owned restaurants in 2009. Consumer Survey Results Opportunities Consumers preferring Western restaurants cite cleaner environment, better atmosphere and better service as key differences to Chinese style locations. ? Western restaurant chains have substantial opportunities in the Chinese market, but will have to develop tailored concepts to the market.Developing a brand position and good quality reputation will be critical for Western chains in the highly fragmented and competitive market. Especially in the casual dining sector, which has multiple major players in the US, there are major opportunities for new entrants into the Chinese market. Established leading Chinese restaurant chains will likely continue to expand and achieve strong margins, as scale results in significant advantages in purchasing, operational effectiveness and marketing. However, it will be critical to implement professional systems to support gr owth. 4 Contents A. Executive Summary B. Industry Environment C. Financial Performance – Profiles of Selected Restaurants D. 2010 China Consumer Survey Results E. Opportunities for Restaurant Chains F. Conclusions 5China’s Foodservice Industry Has Been Expanding At 13% CAGR in 2003-2009, But Remains At Nearly Half The US Market Size China foodservice industry revenue 2003-2009E [bn RMB] 0. 17 0. 16 0. 14 YOY 0. 13 growth 0. 12 0. 11 0. 1 0. 09 0. 08 0. 15 16% 14% 13% 11% 14% 11% 3,860 956 1,090 1,232 1,365 1,556 1,800 2,000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 E US 2009 By contrast, US Restaurant Industry has shrunk for the last 2 years in revenue Source: China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 6China’s Per Capita Dining Out Increased To About 980 RMB Per Year In 2009, Which Is Less Than 10% Of US Per Capita Dining Out China per capita dining out expenditure [RMB per capita per year] 0. 24 0. 22 22% YOY 0. 18 0. 16 growth 0. 14 0. 12 0. 1 0. 08 0. 2 14% 14% 10% 15% 12% 10,100 438 533 607 691 761 878 980 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 E US 2009 Per Capital Dining Out Is Driven By Growing Disposable Income Per Capita (Per Capita Dining Out Has Been Around 6% Of Disposable Income 2004-2009) Source: China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 7Chinese People Eat Out Only About 1/3 As Frequent As US People In 2009, As Dining Out Represents 21% Of Total Food Expenditure Average Number Of Times Dining Out 2009 Dining Out As % Of Total Food Expenditure, China vs. USA 204 48% 184 130 22% 72 18% China HK Taiwan USA China 2003 China 2009 E USA 2009 Source: China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 8 The Chinese Restaurant Industry Remains Highly Fragmented, With More Than 5. You read "China Restaurant ; Foodservice Review" in category "Papers" 1 Mio. Outlets And Average Revenues Of 0. 4 Mio. RMB No. Of Restaurants [Mio. Outlets] Average Revenue Per Outlet [‘000 RMB] 4,091 5. 1 3. 0. 9 308 377 China 2003 China 2009 E USA 2009 China 2003 China 2009 E USA 2009 Source: Euromonitor, China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 9 The Top 100 Chinese Restaurants Have A Market Share Of Only 6% in 2009, Compared To 45% In The USA China restaurant revenue, Top 100 vs. Others [% of Industry Total] Top100 9% 6% 45% †¢ Western style restaurants only account for 1% of the Chinese restaurant industry in 2009 †¢ Fast food restaurants account for about 23% of the market in China, compared to about 29% in USA Others 91% 94% 55% China 2003 China 2009 USA 2009Source: China Statistics Bureau, National Restaurant Association 2010 Industry Forecast, AlixPartners analysis 10 Quick Service And Hotpot Restaurants Account For 2/3 Of The Top 100 Restaurants’ Revenues In China Number of companies Revenue % Revenue per company [bn RMB] Comments †¢ Fast food segment is expanding in China rapidly due to services quality standardization and relatively low price level à ¢â‚¬ ¢ Key players include YUM brands, McDonald’s, Dicos, etc. †¢ Hot Pot restaurants are popular in China, esp. in central and north regions †¢ Key players include Little Sheep, Xiao Wei Yang, Dezhuang, etc.Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) 20 31% 1. 8 HotPot 23 34% 1. 7 Full-Service Casual Dining 17 11% 0. 8 †¢ Casual dining is pointing to a growth trend among young professionals who are seeking places for social activities †¢ Specialty / fine dinning mainly include famous Chinese brands and large restaurant groups, and western fine restaurants Specialty / Fine Dining 40 24% 0. 7 †¢ Western fine restaurants are growing fast but focused on coastal cities Source: China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 11 Chain Restaurants Still Account For Small Share In Chinese Market, But HaveBeen Consistently Gaining Market Share China restaurant revenue, Top 100 vs. Others [% of Industry Total] Chained 8% Chain restaurants Independents †¢ Chain restaurants have grown at a faster rate than independent restaurants, driven by advantages in – Advertising / brand building – Cost and quality control – Operational efficiency Independents 92% 19% 15% 12% 20% 16% 22% 18% 23% †¢ In Hong Kong, chained restaurants account for 28% of total market size by reve nue †¢ Going forward, chain restaurants are likely to rapidly win market share 2001-06 CAGR 06 vs. 07 Growth 08 vs. 07 Growth 09 vs. 08 GrowthSource: Euromonitor, China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 12 Contents A. Executive Summary B. Industry Environment C. Financial Performance – Profiles of Selected Restaurants D. 2010 China Consumer Survey Results E. Opportunities for Restaurant Chains F. Conclusions 13 Three Western Restaurant Brands Are Currently Among The Top 10 (KFC, McDonalds and Pizza Hut) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Brand KFC McDonald’s Dicos Little Sheep Xiao Wei Yang Pizza Hut UBC Cafe Xiaotiane Company Yum! Brands Inc. McDonald’s Corp Ting Hsin International Group Little Sheep Group Limited Inner Mongolia Xiao Wei Yang Yum!Brands Inc. UBC Coffee food Co Ltd Chongqing Xiaotiane Catering Type QSR QSR QSR Hot Pot QSR Casual Dining QSR QSR Market share 1. 2% 0. 5% 0. 3% 0. 2% 0. 2% 0. 2% 0. 2% 0. 1% # of Stores ;gt;2,000 ;gt;1,000 ;gt;1,000 ;gt; 400 ca. 600 ca. 300 ca. 500 ca. 300 9 10 Xiao Tu Dou Malan Lamian Shenyang Xiao Tu Dou Malan Lamian Fast Food QSR QSR 0. 1% 0. 1% ca. 300 ca. 300 Source: Euromonitor, China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 14 Major Chinese Restaurant Chains On Average Outperform US Restaurants In EBIT Margins, And Are In Line With US QSR EBIT margin comparison 2009 E Chinese Chains 5. 2% 11. 6% 9. 6% 7. 3% 11. 9% 17. 0% 11. 2% 10. 1% 6. 2% Fairwood Quan Ju De Little Sheep Cafe De Coral Beijing Xian Ge Qing Ajisen US Average Asia F;B USA QSR Peers Source: IQ Capital, Annual reports, AlixPartners analysis 15 Leading Chinese Restaurant Chains Remain Small Players Compared To US Peers, But With Significantly Different Growth Perspectives Leading Chinese Chains Company Dafe de Coral Ajisen Little Sheep Fairwood China Quanjude Beijing Xiangeqing HK Catering Management Leading US Chains Growth 2009 9. 1% 18. 7% 23. 5% 2. 2% 8. 3% 20. 6% -7. 2% Revenue 2009 [Mio. RMB] ,674 1,986 1,570 1,466 1,204 738 328 Company McDonald’s Yum! Starbucks Darden Brinker OSI Jack in the Box Burger King Wendy’s Arby’s Cracker Barrel Revenue 2009 [Mio. RMB] 162,112 76,287 70,989 48,407 27,926 Growth 2009 -3. 3% -4. 1% -5. 9% 8. 9% -14. 5% NA -2. 7% 3. 4% -2. 2% -0. 7% 27,816 17,363 17,277 16,691 Xinjiang Bai Hua Cun 64 62. 8% 16,254 †¢ Major US chains with limited growth potential in mature home market †¢ Chinese restaurants with major growth potential (both organic growth and through takeovers) Source: Euromonitor, China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 16Solid EBIT Margin and Growth Potential Are Main Reasons For M;A Activity and PE Investments – Increase In Investments Expected Chained Restaurant # of restaurants in 2009 422 Investment size [m US$] N/A Key M;A and PE investments †¢ Yum Brands bought 20% equity in 2009 †¢ The combined YUM! ; Little Sheep will be the largest and most diversified restaurant company in China, providing both Western and Chinese style restaurants with brands including KFC, Pizza Hut, East Dawning and Little Sheep †¢ Nov. 2005, a group of investors including IDGVC invested $ 14 million †¢ GGV and first round investors invested $10. million in 2007 †¢ In 2008 , Oaktree and existing investors, invested $23 million †¢ In 2007, Capital Today and Liandong invested $43 million 70 14 11 23 300+ 43 98 40+ 50 43 †¢ Nov. 2008, Actis invested USD 50 million †¢ Dec. 2008, CDH invested $43 million With solid EBIT margins and strong growth opportunities, private equity investments and takeovers by leading restaurant chains are likely to increase Source: Published data, AlixPartners analysis 17 For Example, Little Sheep Restaurant Chain – A Success Story Company Overview Little Sheep is the leading full-service restaurant chain operator in China. It’s ranked #4 in all restaurant companies in China and #1 in local companies †¢ The company focuses on operating hot pot chain restaurants as well as developing, processing and selling food product including lamb and hot pot soup †¢ Little Sheep’s revenue rose from RMB 513 millions in 2005 to 1,272 millions in 2008, growing at 35% CAGR †¢ It has 422 restaurants in total by mid 2009: 146 companyowned and 276 franchised restaurants RMB Millions Revenue CAGR †¢ 05-08: 35% †¢ 08-14E: 31%Revenue Growth ; Breakout Success Factor †¢ Standardization facilitates expansion into China: The standard products in hot pot restaurant cuisine require minimal kitchen preparation and enable easier quality control †¢ Its focus on quality creates a strong brand. In particular, it is known for high-quality lamb †¢ Focuses on consumer segment of 20-40 year olds and invests heavily in advertising and its royalty program †¢ Shifted from sole franch ising model to a mixed franchising ; owned model in 2002, facilitating geographic expansion Franchised vs. Owned Business Model Company-owned model helps Little Sheep enhance its operational efficiency by better executing its branding and marketing strategy, optimizing menus and facilitating the launching of new products†¢ Franchised restaurants model obviates the need for the company to raise capital and run the day-to-day business, thus very effective or the company to penetrate lower-tier cities Source: Annual report, Yuanta Research report, AlixPartners analysis 18 Contents A. Executive Summary B. Industry Environment C. Financial Performance – Profiles of Selected Restaurants D. 010 China Consumer Survey Results E. Opportunities for Restaurant Chains F. Conclusions 19 AlixPartners 2010 China Consumer Survey: Overview Date: March 2010 Population: 1,030 adults, 13 major cities in China, age 18+ (average age 25) Demographics: Respondent group was representative of the Chinese population across key demographics and income ranges Survey Focus: Key areas of focus included: ? Planned frequency of dining occasions ? Expected spending on meals outside the home ? Preferred type of restaurants ? Key criteria for consumer preference in restaurant selectionUS Survey: In March 2010, AlixPartners also conduced a similar study in the USA, also covering a survey population of 1,000 adults  © AlixPartners, LLP, 2009 20 In China, Average Spent Per Meal Is Expected To Increase By 10% In 2010 – By Contrast US Diners Expect to Pay 4% Less Expected average spending per meal [RMB] CHINA USA -4% 82. 6 +10% 79. 2 48. 8 53. 7 Last 12 Months Next 12 Months Last 12 Months Next 12 Months 21 Over The Next 12 Months , Nearly 46% Expect To Spend More Money in Restaurants in China, While Consumers in USA Remain Cautious Planned consumer spending, 2010 CHINA USA 51% 46% 41% 5% 39% 34% 13% 16% 15% Spend less Spend same Q1-2010 Spend more Spend less Spend same Q1-2009 Spend more Q1-2010 22 Fine Dining and Fast Casual Will Benefit Most From Dining Frequency Increase In China – Fast Food and Fast Casual Most Impacted in USA Dining frequency per month and restaurant type CHINA +9% USA S 2009: 13. 7 S 2010: 15. 1 6. 4 -20% S 2009: 13. 8 S 2010: 11. 8 5. 1 6. 2 5. 7 +13% 4. 4 3. 9 +7% -17% 2. 9 3. 1 +17% 2. 9 2. 4 2. 9 2. 8 1. 6 1. 5 1. 2 1. 4 Fast Food Fast Casual LTM Freq/Month Casual Fine Dining Fast Food Fast Casual LTM Freq/Month Casual Fine Dining 2010 Expected 2010 Expected 23Biggest Drivers to Increasing Frequency At Favorite Locations Are: (1) Better Quality, (2) Closer Location, and (3) Improved Service Better food quality Closer location Improved service Better atmosphere Healthier menu options 26% 37% 36% 35% 25% 22% 17% 15% 15% 13% 12% 10% 8% 7% 5% 4% 3% More or better promotions, discounts, or†¦ Better value Family friendly environment Expanded menu variety Bigger portion sizes Shorten time to get in and out Offer take out service Other, specify Expanded dessert and/or beverage options Make information available on the internet Accommodate special dietary needs Smaller portion sizesWhat would cause you to eat out more often at the restaurant(s) you visit most frequently? 24 In Determining Overall VALUE, Chinese Consumers Are Far Less Focused On Price ; Promotions Than American Dine rs Food quality Overall service Low prices Healthy menu options Good promotions, discounts, or coupons Updated environment ; decor Big portion sizes Value meals Amenities and atmosphere Range of dessert and/or beverage options 9% 6% 5% 9% 28% 27% 31% 24% 22% 19% 23% 44% 47% 42% 60% 59% 75% 6% China U. S. 16% 34% As a consumer, what factors are most important to you in defining OVERALL VALUE for your dollar? 5 In China, Word-of-mouth Is The Strongest Form Of Advertising For Restaurants Word of mouth Street walk-by Internet Flier, coupon, booklet, etc. Self experience TV Magazine Newspaper 17% 16% 5% 28% 25% 37% 36% 71% 34% emails 26 50% of Survey Respondents in China Prefer Chain Restaurants 50% 35% 15% Yes No No difference Do you prefer a chain store over independent restaurants? 27 Majority of China’s Consumers Prefer Chinese Style Dining, But Western Style is Very Popular Among Survey Respondents Total Sample – Fast Food Next 12 months,Western style Next 12 months,Chinese styleTotal Sample – Fast Casual Next 12 months,Western style Next 12 months,Chinese style 40% 60% 61% 39% Total Sample – Casual Next 12 months,Western style Next 12 months,Chinese style Total Sample – Fine Dining Next 12 months,Western style Next 12 months,Chinese style 15% 34% 66% 85% Approximately 40% of Consumers in China Plan to Eat at Western Style Restaurants; Penetration of Western Chains Most Prominent in Fast Food 28 Those Preferring Western Restaurants Cite the Cleaner Environment and Better Atmosphere Key Differen ces to Chinese Style Locations Clean or better environment 52%Better atmosphere (music, decor, etc. ) 46% Better services 40% Try something different 31% Better taste of food 29% Cultural attraction 26% Healthier menu options 19% Dessert and/or beverage options 16% What do you like about Western restaurants compared with Chinese restaurants? 29 Contents A. Executive Summary B. Industry Environment C. Financial Performance – Profiles of Selected Restaurants D. 2010 China Consumer Survey Results E. Opportunities for Restaurant Chains F. Conclusions 30 Operational Improvement Levers For Major Restaurant Chains Winning strategies in operations improvement Centralized purchasing to implement professional process Purchasing †¢ Negotiations sweeps coupled with strategic sourcing†¢ Logistics optimization and commodity risk analysis †¢ Centralized operations and facilities management, and IT Operational Effectiveness †¢ Lean Kitchen/Operations including emphasis on food waste % †¢ R;D Process Improvement †¢ Develop clear brand position and tailored advertising strategies Marketing †¢ Implement effective LTOs with input from supply chain partners †¢ Encourage first time visits and push customer loyalty †¢ Partnering effectively with ocal owners who know the market Expansion †¢ Implement rigorous store selection process, with clear criteria †¢ Increase no. of stores to build brand awareness Restaurant chains have substantial scale advantages in operations! 31 Opportunit ies For Western Restaurant Chains in China, Which So Far Have Been Hesitating To Invest on a Large Scale Leading US casual dining chains and their current China presence US Chain Brand Applebee’s Outback Steakhouse # of stores Globally 2,000 900 880 780 # of stores in China 0 100 0 30 RemarksOpened a restaurant in Shanghai in 2007, but has since left the country Operates two restaurants in Beijing and around five in HK; market leader in Korea Opened in Philippines in 2007, but has not expanded into other Asian countries Entered China in 1995 and has four restaurants in Beijing, but only one each in Shanghai, Tianjin and HK Highly successful chain, but no operations outside North America (same for sister company Red Lobster, both part of Darden’s) One restaurant in Shanghai and two in HK Ruby Tuesday TGI Friday Olive Garden 700 Tony Roma’s 0 0 260 3 How to cite China Restaurant ; Foodservice Review, Papers

The Social History Of Maycomb Essay Research free essay sample

The Social History Of Maycomb Essay, Research Paper The Social History Of Maycomb Maycomb is said to hold a really carinate societal construction. Some people would depict it as a societal trigon. In this piece of work I will seek to explicate that construction utilizing remarks made by Jem. At the top of the societal pyramid are the people that Jem describes as the normal common people, like themselves and the neighbors. These people would include Miss Stephanie, Mrs Dubose, The Radleys and Miss Maudie. However, we have found out that the Radleys are considered foreigners from the community because they don t tend to socialize. Jem and Scout had neer seen any of the Radleys outside their house until he saw Boo Radley, or Arthur Radley, one dark when Miss Maudie s house gimmicks on fire. The following people down on the societal graduated table are the people who are Like the Cunninghams, out in the forests. We will write a custom essay sample on The Social History Of Maycomb Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These people are rather hapless, but still hold self regard and certain regulations. For case, on Jem s foremost d ay at school, Walter Cunningham has no tiffin, so his instructor offers to impart him some money to run down to the stores for nutrient. However, he does non accept the money because he know he cant wage her dorsum. Below the Cunnighams are the people such as the Ewells. These are people who live down in the mopess and have particular regulations that they live by. Rules such as they can run all twelvemonth unit of ammunition and maintain what they kill. Besides, Burris Ewell and the other Ewell kids, merely have to travel to school for one twenty-four hours each twelvemonth. They don t attention what people think of them and they live their lives nevertheless they want. At the underside of the ladder are the inkinesss. In the narrative we don t here much about the inkinesss, except that Atticus is supporting one in tribunal. Because of this, Atticus is called a nigga lover by some members of the community. In simple footings, and in the words of Jem ; Our sort of common people Don T like the Cunninghams, the Cunninghams don T like the Ewells and the Ewells hatred and contemn the colored common people.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Social Networking Perceptions and Experiences †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Social Networking Perceptions and Experiences. Answer: Introduction: The business environment has changed and is continuing to change fast. As technology continues to advance management, the use of social networks in business can no longer be ignored. Without social networks business no longer records high sales. Social networking is part and parcel of every business today. Over the years the use of social network working has enabled businesses to promote their brands. Businesses have also been able to connect with customers giving instant services online and getting clients feedback for purposes of making more improvement with regard to service delivery. Social networks are the new ways of doing business. Sharing and connecting different people to different products is the new method in the business environment. Competition is also stiff and the use of social networks is a must for all business. The need or a stronger relationship especially between businesses and their customers is also on the rise. With this objectives, all lined up a business has to be innovative and have the highest affinity towards technology. Todays business environment has seriously changed. It is nearly impossible to imagine doing business without the internet. A business that is outside a social network is as good as being out of business altogether. Despite the fact that social networking is here to stay, there is still some level of debate as what its advantages and disadvantages are. Several business leaders are still missing out on what exactly constitute social networking. There is no clear understanding of social networking and how business can apply it. This paper, therefore, looks at the advantages and disadvantages of the social network. It seeks to bring a clear understanding of the use of social networking. Statement of the problem Business competition is on the rise across the globe and the need to connect with customers and stakeholders are defining today's business. Social networking has, therefore, become prevalent not only in business but also amongst the general public. The objective of this study is to help understand social networking by looking at the advantages and disadvantages of social networking for businesses. This will help business to understand how social networking can be used by eliminating the raging confusion with regard to social networking in business. Other objectives include: To help business promote their brands and image To help business enhance their communication To help businesses apply social networking appropriately in order to serve customers. To help business improve their service delivery Several studies have been conducted. All these studies have been productive but there is still a lot that still needs to be done. Social networking Management still needs a comprehensive coverage. Technology is also not static, it keeps on changing and this leads to the emergence of new issues which needs attention. The many choices that social networking offers can be confusing if not fully explored and documented. In the business environment today, a lot of different changing aspects are on the rise. With these changes, it is possible for confusion to reign in such circumstances. Taking all these aspects into consideration, it is important that social networking is defined and well-studied for purposes of helping new startups as well as established organizations. Literature Review Social networking is a piece of digital real estate according to Ceglarek Ward, (2016 p. 31) in that it helps a business to show itself to the world and to let the world know about it. It connects business to the world. This way it helps promote a business and bring about achieving goals more effectively. The major point of concern in this particular paper looks at how social networking can be used creating connections. These connections are essential in bringing about interactions. Businesses seriously really need to interact with customers. Lack of interaction can be devastating. Without interacting with customers Management, the business cannot understand the mood of their customers, their concerns, desires, and complaints. Businesses find it easy to identify and correct mistakes speedily. This way, a business can save its name and image from damage (Cummings Dennis 2016). Social networking is a powerful promotional tool for business. For purposes of improving conversion rate, t he use of social networking is inevitable. The sharing of comments, allows business to connect and effectively interact with their respective customers. By complimenting a companys services, a company gets to build its image and gain more authority. On the other hand based on information users of social networks post publicly to various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, blog posts, it is evident that in the event that a discussion forum reveals some aspects of company negatively such as its services, then that particular company can move swiftly to address the problem before it grows (Cummings Dennis 2016) An organization may use social networking to demonstrate to its customers the kind of services it offers. The very advantage of social networking is that it helps an organization to quickly address customer relations and apologize as soon as possible. Every business is unique. Every business has different goals and different objectives. Besides business may also have the different target demographic, various histories as well as the varied competitive marketplace. The importance of analyzing social media arises from the fact that business cannot compete effectively today without social networking. Todays business environment is so competitive such that it needs a lot of connections. A business that is sure to survive is one that uses social networking appropriately and effectively. A proper use of social networking needs the proper understanding of how social networking operates. Moreover the fact that social networking is dynamic and constantly evolving as technology advances also make it important to study social networking keenly and into details. This is helpful if a business is to keep up with constant changes, challenges, and new findings that are significant in bringing about powerful influences a companys social networking success rate (Cummings Dennis, 2016) Methodology This section of the paper will deal with projects overall framework, the sampling frame as well as the necessary procedure to be applied, It will also handle data collection methods, the research questions of this project and the hypothesis to be tested in the entire project as well as the projects procedure for analysis. The use of social networking in business is the key to achieving a businesss revenue goals and productivity despite the lack clear understanding of the entire concept by various business stakeholders. What are the gains of social networks in business What are the drawbacks of social networks in business What are the measures to take so as to address the drawbacks of social networks in business Management? How beneficial is social networking to business today Sample, sampling frame and sampling procedure The sampling frame for this project will consist of business stakeholders preferably managers. The total sample with be composed of a total of 60 business managers. This respondent will be selected based on the number of years the business has been in operation. Only those who have tried to use social networking will be selected who will be interviewed. 50of these business managers from upcoming business and startups will be selected and 50 other business managers from a well-established business according to Choi (2016). Data will be collected by the use of questionnaires. The best way to reach the target respondents much faster will be through the use of emails. Emailing respondents has proved to be the most convenient method of data collection over the years. This is due to the fact that it minimizes traveling expenses as well as time wasted in while waiting for appointments to materialize (Orcher 2017). As compared to other methods of data collection, emailing respondents stands out to be the most effective in today's busy environment where time is a scarce resource. It makes it easier to reach respondents from various geographical backgrounds. Questionnaire that are well structured will be mailed to the respondents. This will enable the collection very comprehensive information. Social networking can only be understood if the required information is collected well. For purposes of carrying out analysis, this study will employ the use of SPSS - a statistical package of social scientist. The use of primary data will be profound in this particular research. According to Sudheesh, Duggappa, Nethra (2016, p. 631), primary data is the most appropriate data to use in carrying out analysis since it is free from bias. Unlike secondary data, primary data is free from unnecessary correction. The cases of doctored data is also minimized. This study particular study assumes that all the business managers will cooperate and respond to the emails as fast as possible with correct information. Strengths and limitations of the study This study will use primary data so the possibility of arriving at a conclusion based on doctored data will be non-existent. One the other hand, some of the limitations of this particular study arises from the fact that some of the respondents may at times not respond. Others may not give a true reflection of their experience with social networking which may affect the overall analysis. However, the questionnaire will be designed in such a manner as to avoid these limitations. References Sudheesh, K., Duggappa, D. R., Nethra, S. S., 2016. How to write a research proposal?. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, 60(9), 631. Choi, Y. 2016. 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